Trailer Park Quarterly, Volume 8 Now Available

The 8th edition of Trailer Park Quarterly, the online literary journal edited by Dan Crocker and Rebecca Schumejda, is now available.
Trailer Park Quarterly, Volume 8

The 8th edition of Trailer Park Quarterly, the online literary journal edited by Dan Crocker and Rebecca Schumejda is now available at

In this issue, the second Annie Menebroker Poetry Award went to B. Diehl for his poem “Brother”.

Volume 8 is packed with poetry and fiction from Gayle Ledbetter Newby, Mike James, Alan Catlin, Tony Gloeggler, Steve Henn, Lynne Savitt, Wil Gibson, Rebecca Higgins, Sue McElligott, Ted Jonathan, Francine Witte, Alexis Rhone Fancher, Iris Litt, Wendy Rainey, Marybeth Niederkorn, Linda McCauley Freeman, Linda Lerner, Bunkong Tuon, David M. Taylor, Chase Dimock, James Benger, Roger Sippl, Leslie Gerber, Hannah Bleier, Erren Geraud Kelly, Jeanette Powers, Heather Sullivan, William Doreski, Curtis Hayes, Jason Baldinger, John Sibley Williams, Victor Clevenger, John Grey, William Taylor Jr., Scott Silsbe, Chigger Matthews, Raymond P. Hammond, Paul Koniecki, John Dorsey, and Nathan Graziano.

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