Arthur’s Market Poetry Open-Mic Featuring Dawn Marar

Arthur’s Market Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month) with featured poet Dawn Marar.

Arthurs MarketArthur’s Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month) with featured poet Dawn Marar.

Dawn Marar –  Award-winning poet, wife, mother and activist, graduated from Skidmore College and Columbia University. As well as poetry, Marar has published short stories and non -fiction. She has just returned from Jordan where her chapbook, Efflorescence, is now available at Orfali Art Gallery in Amman. Locally the book is available at Open Door Bookstore, and some public libraries  She’s presently working on a collection of documentary poetry that looks at race and whiteness, in particular.

Beverages & food available on the premises!

Hosted by Catherine Norr

Sign-up begins 7:00, readings begin 7:30 at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady, NY 12305.

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