Poets Speak Loud Featuring D. Alexander Holiday

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, July 30, with featured reader D. Alexander Holiday.
D. Alexander Holiday

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, July 30, with featured reader D. Alexander Holiday.

D. Alexander Holiday attended Bernard M. Baruch College and The State University of New York at Albany, receiving both a Bachelor and a Master of Arts degree from Albany University. He is the recipient of the Spellman Award from Albany University. He has published in various publications, among them The Amherst SocietyA&U Magazine and more recently Arabesques Review (an international anthology and website). He has four chapbooks of poetry, Notes to PorshéTales From This Black HeartThe Voices in My Head(which is a collaboration with fifteen area poets) and I Use To Fall Down. He has published essays on ERIC, the research database. He has read on radio, for Crystal Brown’s “Reading for the Blind” program, has been on radio for Kym Fleming’s RPI program, and has read and performed on Public Television.  He also volunteered and moderated a creative writing workshop for inmates at a state maximum security facility in upstate New York. He is also a local liaison for the GBS/CIDP Foundation International.

He is the author of six books: Letters to OsamaI Use To Fall Down: 50 + 25+ 25 Selected PoemsAll The Killers Gathered, his memoir In The Care Of Strangers: The Autobiography Of A Foster Child,  E-mails From Satan’s Daughter and Kith & Kin (under the G. Douglas Davis nom de plume].  Paperclips Magazine [.com] recently invited and will be featuring the author on their site.


About PSL

Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ long-running monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00 pm, we start at 8 pm.


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