Arthur’s Market Poetry Open Mic Featuring Alan Casline

Alan Casline will be the featured reader at the monthly poetry open mic at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady.

Arthurs MarketArthur’s Poetry Open-Mic on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 (2nd Wednesday of each month) with featured poet Alan Casline.

Since graduating from St.Lawrence University in 1973, and earning a PhD from SUNY Albany, Alan has championed poetry, local culture, art, music organics and a “back to the land” philosophy in the Capital District area through his own poetry, the Rootdrinker Institute and Benevolent Bird Press which he founded and directs, through his many appearances at poetry and music events, and through hosting the Open Mic and Featured Poet series at Pine Hollow Arboretum.

Beverages & food available on the premises!

Hosted by Catherine Norr

Sign-up begins 7:00, readings begin 7:30 at Arthur’s Market & Cafe, 35 N.Ferry Street, Schenectady, NY 12305.

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