Poets Speak Loud Featuring Bob Sharkey

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, March 26, with featured reader Bob Sharkey.
Bob Sharkey

Bob Sharkey

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, March 26, with featured reader Bob Sharkey.

Bob Sharkey is active in local open mic scene; on the board of the Hudson Valley Writers Guild and organizer of the Stephen A DiBiase poetry contest. Bob’s first chapbook, The Yellow Fairy, was published in 2005. His new chapbook, Surface at Sunrise, was published in late 2012 by Benevolent Bird Press. He has been a featured reader at venues all over upstate New York. His poetry has appeared in many publications including Pudding, Quercus Review, Blue Collar Review, Plainsongs, Off the Coast and Main Street Rag.



Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ long-running monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, we start around 8pm.


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