Caffe Lena Poetry Open Mic Featuring Jessica Cuello and Anthony Bernini

On Wednesday, April 4, Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Jessica Cuello and Anthony Bernini with an open reading will follow.

Caffe LenaOn Wednesday, April 4, Caffè Lena will present a poetry reading by Jessica Cuello and Anthony Bernini. An open reading will follow. Doors open for sign-ups at 7pm and the readings will start at 7:30. The host for the event will be Carol Graser and the cost is $5.

Caffè Lena, 47 Phila St., Saratoga Springs, 583-0022,

Jessica Cuello is the author of Pricking (Tiger Bark Press, 2016), Hunt (The Word Works, 2017), and several chapbooks. She has been awarded The 2017 CNY Book Award (for Pricking), The 2016 Washington Prize (for Hunt), The New Letters Poetry Prize, and a Saltonstall Fellowship. Her newest poems can be found or are forthcoming in Passages North, Crab Orchard Review, Foundry, The Missouri Review, The American Poetry Journal, and Red Paint Hill.

Anthony Bernini was born and raised on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.  Bernini’s poems have appeared in a number of anthologies and journals, and on the CD release, Volume. His narrative poem, “The Escape of Cloelia”, about the Roman girl who in 506 B. C. E. eluded the Etruscans and was heroically celebrated in Rome, is in the permanent archive of the Italian Americana Review. Bernini reads his work mostly in New York’s Hudson Valley and in New England.  He is the author of two volumes of poetry, Distant Kinships, and Immediate Worlds, published in 2011 He now lives in Brunswick, New York.

About the author: Thom Francis
Thom Francis has been organizing, promoting, and hosting open mics and poetry / spoken word events in Albany such as Nitty Gritty Slam, School of Night, Albany Poets Presents..., and the Albany Word Fest for over 20 years. As a poet and performer, Thom has been featured at many of the upstate poetry and spoken word events from Saratoga to Woodstock as well as LarkFest, Art on Lark, 1st Friday, and the Albany Word Fest.
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