Upcoming Workshops and Readings Week at The Millay Colony

Some great and exciting information for all of the upcoming Workshops and Readings Week at The Millay Colony starting July 30.

We hope you will join us for some or all of the upcoming Workshops and Readings Week at The Millay Colony starting July 30. The flowers are blooming, the writing is dazzling, and you are most lovingly invited.

July 30 Carole Maso
August 1 Jonny Diamond
August 3 Samita Sinha (performance)
August 4 Naomi Huffman

All Readings FREE. Wine & lemonade served!
RSVP to [email protected] by July 26.

July 30th Dream Box: Creative Writing Master Class with Carole Maso
August 1 Revising and Presenting Workshop with Jonny Diamond
August 3 Voice as Matter: Movement & Voice Class with Samita Sinha
August 4 Crash Course in Indie Publishing with Naomi Huffman

Workshop at Millay
Workshops $100 each/$50 for students OR $250 for all four/$150 for students. All workshops include handouts, coffee, snacks & lunch.

Full workshop details email [email protected]

Finally, a limited number of manuscript consultations with our expert teachers available. The cost is $200 for a deep reading and review of your work (up to 30 pages) and a 45-minute private session with goal setting. Please email us at [email protected] before July 26 to arrange.

About the author: Thom Francis
Thom Francis has been organizing, promoting, and hosting open mics and poetry / spoken word events in Albany such as Nitty Gritty Slam, School of Night, Albany Poets Presents..., and the Albany Word Fest for over 20 years. As a poet and performer, Thom has been featured at many of the upstate poetry and spoken word events from Saratoga to Woodstock as well as LarkFest, Art on Lark, 1st Friday, and the Albany Word Fest.
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