Poets Speak Loud Featuring Karen Schoemer

The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, September 25, with featured reader Karen Schoemer.
Karen Schoemer

Karen Schoemer The Poets Speak Loud open mic series continues at McGeary’s in downtown Albany on Monday, September 25, with featured reader Karen Schoemer.

Karen Schoemer is a poet and performer living in Hudson, NY. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Up the River, Chronogram and the Pine Hills Review. She is the vocalist for Sky Furrows and the Schoemer Formation and has recorded with Mike Watt, Detective Instinct and Venture Lift. In 2016 she was a Virginia Scholar at Instarlodge in Germantown, NY; this fall she begins the MFA program at the Writer’s Foundry in Brooklyn, NY.

Poets Speak Loud is Albany Poets’ long-running monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, we start around 8pm.


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