Writers Discussion on June 21

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting (Internet and/or phone) on Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00 PM
Random Writing Workshop

Welcome Writers. Let’s talk!

The Hudson Valley Writers Guild invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting (Internet and/or phone) on Wednesday, June 21st at 7:00 PM (https://zoom.us/j/566419475).

This is the first of a series of monthly conversations about being a writer, writing, publishing, performing, getting paid, and anything else we agree to discuss. We welcome writers of any genre in any media, including novels, nonfiction, memoir, scripts, poetry, articles, journalism, blogs, rants, tweets and more.

The discussion is open to both HVWG members and nonmember writers,7:00 p.m., third Wednesday of the month. Please feel free to post this to your social media sites and tell your friends.

BTW, if you’re not a HVWG member, you’re welcome to join the discussion, but also, please consider joining our community of writers, hvwg.org/membership/join/

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