Spring creative nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) will present its spring creative nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor, February 9 to May 18. The class will be held Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pine Hill Community Center, Main Street, Pine Hill, NY.

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) will present its spring creative nonfiction workshop with Anique Taylor, February 9 to May 18. The class will be held Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Pine Hill Community Center, Main Street, Pine Hill, NY.

In a college-like semester packed with excitement and growth, this extended class will offer writers possibilities for deepening their craft, group support and continuing work on long projects. With a preference for exploring memory, risk, danger, dreams, different versions of reality and deeper connection with self, the class will explore personal essay, memoir, journal work, writing for ourselves and for publication.

Class exercises will familiarize students with techniques of poetry, fiction, playwriting to provide tools to hone their work. All welcome – students with long projects, short projects or those who want to take it week by week.

Anique Taylor has co-authored works for HBO, Scholastic, Simon & Schuster. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in The World (St. Mark’s Poetry Project), Rattle, Common Ground Review, Adanna, Earth’s Daughters, Stillwater Review and e-Bibliotekos #39; Pain and Memory. She’s given featured NYC readings at St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Dixon Place, the Speakeasy and Cedar Tavern. Her chapbook Poems is published by Unimproved Editions Inc. Her chapbook Where Space Bends was chosen finalist for both Minerva Rising and Blue Light Press’ 2014 Poetry Chapbook Competitions and Under the Ice Moon was finalist in Blue Light Press’ 2015 Competition. She holds a poetry MFA from Drew University, a drawing MFA from Pratt Institute and a diplome in French literature from the Sorbonne. She has taught Creative Writing for Benedictine’s Oncology Support Program, Bard LLI, Artworks and Phoenicia Poetry Workshop.

To register, call Jean Stone at (607) 326-4802, or e-mail her at jtstone@catskill.net. To register online, visit writersinthemountains.org. Class fee is $220.

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