Call For Submissions – Up The River, Issue Five

Albany Poets is happy to announce the call for submissions for poetry, art, & photography for “Up The River”, to be published in April 2017.
Up The River, Issue Five

Up The River, Issue Five

Albany Poets is happy to announce the call for submissions for poetry, art, and photography for Up The River, Issue Five, which will be published in April 2017 – just in time for the Albany Word Fest.

Up The River is a journal of poetry, art & photography by Albany Poets Press celebrating the best in the arts from around the world. Up The River is edited by Mary PanzaCarissa Haberland, and Kevin Peterson and showcases original work from both new and established poets, artists and photographers.

Up The River utilizes both new technology and good, old fashioned print. Contributors to each issues will have select work published in the print edition and online. We will also be launching a new UTR website in the coming weeks.

The deadline for Issue Five submissions is Saturday, December 31, 2016. For all of the details on what we are looking for and how to send your work to us, go to the Up The River Submissions Guidelines page.


Submission Guidelines

Up the River publishes poetry, art and photography.

Up the River does not accept work that has been previously published.

Please no multiple submissions. Send only one submission per reading period.

Upcoming Deadlines

Issue Five – April 2017 – All submissions must be postmarked by Saturday, December 31, 2016 to be considered.


Up the River is interested in publishing poetry from both emerging and established poets. We love poetry. We are looking for work that excites us and inspires us, work that makes us laugh or cry or sigh. While we appreciate the value of greeting cards and diaries, please don’t send us anything that might have come from either. Instead, send us your best 3-5 poems. We look forward to reading them!

Photography/Black & White Artwork

We love art and photography, too. No subject or style limitations. Do not send originals — email .jpg, or .pdf files to Each copy should have the artist’s name, address, phone number and email address. You will be contacted to supply high resolution digital formats if artwork is accepted for publication. Color submissions are accepted, but must be transferrable to black & white.


Payment is one copy of the issue in which your work appears.

Rights & Rules

All rights revert to the authors upon publication. Though authors do retain all rights to their work, we request the right to post anything we publish (in -part or full) on the Albany Poets website, on the Up The River site, and our associated social media accounts, before and after print publication, and so we would require non-exclusive electronic permissions.

How to Submit

We only accept submissions via email. Paste your submission and a brief bio into the body of a single email message, or as a single file attachment. For poetry we would like one of the following formats: .doc, .docx, .rtf or .pdf. For submitting photography/black & white artwork, please send us either a .jpg or .pdf. Please send your work to

Response Time

Response times vary, but we can generally make a decision within 4-6 weeks. If you haven’t heard back from us in two months, feel free to query by email, as submissions have been known to get lost in the mail, and more often in cyberspace.

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