October 25, 2016

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) celebrates NaNoWriMo

Writers in the Mountains (WIM) will celebrate National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short, to support novelists and encourage them to finish their works. Events include weekly write-ins and an open mic.

HVWG announces 2016 short fiction contest winners

Faith Green, chair of the 2016 Hudson Valley Writers Guild Short Fiction Contest, has announced the contest winners. They are “Necessity” by Mary Cuffe Perez (1st Place), “The Master Bedroom” by Richard Gotti (2nd Place) and “Inviting Mabel to Dinner” by Deyva Arthur (3rd Place).

Don’t you deserve at least one day to write?

Write 4 a Day is a series of monthly one-day writing retreats in upstate New York. There is no workshop, no agenda, no required activities, no assignments, no schedule, no WiFi!