Albany Poets Presents Wil Gibson – April 20, 2016

Wil Gibson was the featured poet at the third edition of the Albany Poets Presents reading series at Restaurant Navona on April 20, 2016.
Wil Gibson

Wil Gibson

Poet and performer Wil Gibson was the featured poet at the third edition of the Albany Poets Presents reading series, part of the 2016 Albany Word Fest, at Restaurant Navona in Albany, NY on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.

Wil Gibson has had collections published with Moon Pie Press (Home and Other Places-2012), Sargent Press (A Couple’s Guide To Panic Attacks w/ Jen Jacques-2013), Great Weather for MEDIA (Harvest the Dirt-2015), has been published online and in print with Midwestern Gothic, Radius, Yellow Chair Review, Drunk in a Midnight Choir, Electric Cereal, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and a Best of the Net 2015, was featured on Button Poetry, and in early 2016 will release Quitting smoking, falling in and out of love, and other thoughts about death with Swimming With Elephants Press.

He has toured nationally solo, and as part of: Uncomfortable Laughter (w/ Beau Williams, Kait Rokowski, and Ryan McLellan), guyslikeyou (w/ Beau Williams and Ryan McLellan), The Uncomfortables (w/ Billy Tuggle), is an honorary member of Chicago 4 Star Poetry (w/ Billy Tuggle, Andi Kauth, Rik Vazquez, Melanie “George” Decelles, Ashley Hart, and Patricia Smith), and was a founding member of the nonprofit organization Port Veritas in Portland, Maine.

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