Housewife Tuesday – Heat

Mary Panza is excited about her upcoming Roast at McGeary’s. In this Housewife Tuesday she shares her favorite celebrity roast clips.
Mary Panza at Word Fest 2011

According to the 17th meaning for the word roast is “a facetious ceremonial tribute, usually concluding a banquet, in which the guest of honor is both praised and good-naturedly insulted in a succession of speeches by friends and acquaintances.”  This is what I am expecting from you at McGeary’s on Monday September 28th.

Why would I do this?  Good question.  We have roasted a couple of others in the past few years (Dan Wilcox, Don Levy, Thom Francis) and donated the money to charity, but the truth of the matter is that a roast is the highest praise you can bestow on someone.  To me, it means that you have been around long enough to have made an ass of yourself in public, shown your weakness, strength, longevity and accomplishments and lived to tell.

We tried to roast me for the last couple of years and the first time I asked people to participate the answer was all the same.  NO.  This confused me because I was willing to wear the bull’s eye.  Finally a female poet came out and told me the reason.

FP:  Because at the end you get to retaliate.  No one wants that.  Not just because it will be coming from you but because no one wants to be insulted.

I am telling all of you right now, I can take it and so can you.  3b is afraid that this will send me into a tailspin and that I will have a nervous breakdown.  It won’t.  I am keeping this HWT short and sweet so you can see some of my favorite moments from the Dean Martin roasts and Comedy Central roasts.  Pay attention!  Everyone is laughing!!!  I promise I will be as well.  So, PLEASE INSULT ME!!!!

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