Reminder – Albany Poets Annual Meeting

This coming Tuesday, we will be getting together at the Pine Hills Branch of the Albany Public Library for the Albany Poets Annual Meeting.
AP Founders Reading

AP Founders Reading

This coming Tuesday, we will be getting together at the Pine Hills Branch of the Albany Public Library for the Albany Poets Annual Meeting. We are hoping to see a lot of the members of the poetry community at the meeting to find out more information on what Albany Poets is all about.

Some of the things that we will be discussing are: the past and future of the organization, our 501c3 filing to become an official not-for-profit organization, plans for events (Poets Speak Loud, Nitty Gritty Slam, The Albany Word Fest, and Albany Poets Presents at The Linda), the literary journal Up The River, and our after school program, Page to Stage.

Find out more about the meeting here.

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