Woodstock Poetry Society Featuring Anique Taylor and Sparrow

The monthly gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon featuring poets Anique Taylor and Sparrow.


The monthly gathering of the Woodstock Poetry Society takes place this coming Saturday afternoon at the Golden Notebook starting at 2:00 PM. Host Phillip Levine has two great writers this month, Anique Taylor and Sparrow.

Here is more info from the host himself:

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see: www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Anique Taylor and Sparrow will be the featured readers, along with an open mike when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at Golden Notebook (Upstairs), 29 Tinker Street on Saturday, July 12th at 2pm.

Anique Taylor took her baby-sitting money and ran away to Paris where she earned a Diplome from the Sorbonne before returning to Connecticut to finish high school, college (Pratt MFA in Drawing, BFA in Painting, Highest Honors). Artist, poet, therapist, clown, she’s given NYC featured readings at St. Mark’s Poetry Project, Dixon Place, Speakeasy, ABC No Rio, Cedar Tavern. She’s co-authored works for HBO, Scholastic, Simon&Schuster and a three-act play that was performed at Playwrights Horizons. Her poems and creative nonfiction have appeared in Rattle, the Stillwater Review, The World (St. Mark’s Poetry Project), Adanna, Earth’s Daughters, Cover Magazine, National Poetry Magazine of the Lower East Side. She teaches community classes in Poetry, Creative NonFiction and the Creative Journal and is the coordinator and host of the Phoenicia Spoken Word. Her recent MFA in Poetry is from Drew University.

Sparrow lives in a doublewide trailer in Phoenicia, New York with his wife Violet Snow. He has the musical tastes of a 12 year old: Flo Rida, Ke$ha, the Black Eyed Peas.

For further information on this great, long running series, contact Phillip X  Levine (845)246-8565 or email: pprod@mindspring.com.


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