Hudson Valley Writers Guild newsletter, July 2014

Hudson Valley Writers Guild Newsletter

Important note: Do not submit news items for future newsletters by replying to this email. INSTEAD, please send news items to Thank you!

ALSO: Please note, due to summer schedules, the August edition of the HVWG newsletter will not be distributed until August 5 (instead of August 1). 

Area Announcements: 

  • Caffè Lena features Jesse Muse & Elizabeth K. Gordon July 2
  • Poets in the Park 2014 Readings scheduled for July 12, 19 & 26
  • Third Thursday features Susan Maurer July 17
  • “Food Media Bootcamp” July 17-20 at Longhouse
  • Roeliff Jansen Community Library hosts literary events this summer


Caffè Lena features Jesse Muse & Elizabeth K. Gordon July 2
On Wednesday, July 2, Caffè Lena will present poetry readings by Jesse Muse and Elizabeth K. Gordon. An open reading will follow. Doors open for sign-ups at 7 p.m., and the readings will start at 7:30. The host for the event will be Carol Graser, and the cost is $5. Caffè Lena, 47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, (518) 583-0022,

Poets in the Park 2014 Readings scheduled for July 12, 19 & 26
Poets in the Park is celebrating over 20 years of bringing poetry in July to the Robert Burns statue in Washington Park, Albany. The series was started in 1989 by the late Tom Nattell and is now run by Albany poet and photographer Dan Wilcox. This year the readings will be on July 12, 19  and 26 (Saturdays). The readings start at 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public; donations are accepted. The series is co-sponsored by the Hudson Valley Writers Guild. The 2014 readers are:

  • July 12:  Nancy Klepsch & Luis “L-Majesty” Pabon – Nancy Klepsch has been published in Barzakh, Oberon, Chronogram, 13th Moon, Poetry, Salvage and 200 Proof, among others, and is also the co-host of the 2nd Sunday @ 2 at the Arts Center in Troy with Dan Wilcox. Luis “L-Majesty” Pabon is a singer, song-writer, artist and poet who originally hails from Bronx, NY. Luis currently lives in Albany where he regularly performs at various venues throughout the Capital District. Luis has just completed his first book of poems entitledTendencies, which will be released later this year. 
  • July 19:  Melody Davis & Brian Dorn with fire-dancer – Melody Davis is the author of three books, most recently, Holding the Curve, poems from Broadstone Books.  She has held fellowships for writing from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts and the Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS.  She teaches art history at the Sage College of Albany. Brian Dorn is the author of two popular poetry compilations, From My Poems To Yours and The Live Versions. In addition to his printed material, Brian is currently focused on developing a stage production modeled after his poem of the same name (“We All”).  Much like his stage production, Dorn will be accompanied by a fire dancer (flow artist) during his “Poets In The Park” performance.
  • July 26:  Geraldine Green & George Wallace – UK poet Geraldine Green is a freelance creative writing tutor and mentor and associate editor of Poetry Bay. She is writer-in-residence at Swarthmoor Hall Ulverston, home of Quakerism. You can read more about her on Geraldine Green Salt Road. George Wallace is writer-in-residence at the Walt Whitman Birthplace, author of 29 chapbooks of poetry and first poet laureate of Suffolk County, LI NY.  A regular on the NYC poetry scene, he teaches writing at Pace University and Westchester Community College.

The Robert Burns statue is located near where Henry Johnson Boulevard passes through Washington Park and crosses Hudson Avenue. Please bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on.  Rain site for each event is the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Avenue, Albany. For more information contact Dan Wilcox, at; (518) 482-0262.

Third Thursday features Susan Maurer July 17
New York poet Susan Maurer will read from her work at the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Avenue, Albany, on Thursday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m. Susan Maurer’s latest book of poems isJosephine Butler: A Collection of Poetry, from Phoenix Press International.

A reading by a local or regional poet is held each Third Thursday at the Social Justice Center.  The event includes an open mic for audience members to read.  Sign-up starts at 7 p.m., with the reading beginning at 7:30.  The host of the readings is Albany poet and photographer Dan Wilcox.  The suggested donation is $3, which helps support this and other poetry programs of the Poetry Motel Foundation and the work of the Social Justice Center.  For more information about this event, contact Dan Wilcox, 518-482-0262; e-mail:

“Food Media Bootcamp” July 17-20 at Longhouse
An advanced immersion experience tailored to aspiring authors/poets: long days, barn dinners, chefs to succor the soul, amazing surprise guests, bunkhouse digs. Serious fun! Also: pitch your book to a panel of editors, veteran authors and literary agents for keen insight, honing and next step strategy. You’ll be telling great food stories, crafting tasty words, capturing toothsome images, blogging with verve, imagining and selling your BOOK, working social media. Eating well is the best revenge; capturing the experience is even better. Make this the summer you bust outta the box! Here’s out cast of characters:

  • The Fabulous Lee Brothers – food writers, cookbook authors, irreverent savants of all things edible & all round good ‘ole boys;
  • Molly O’Neill – writer, author, founder of and The LongHouse Food Revival, impertinent opinion shaper & indefatigable connector;
  • Beth Kirby – writer, photographer, the genius behind Local Milk blog ,perpetually packing cast iron skillet and camera; and 
  • Kate Lebo – poet, bookmaker, author, diva of American Pie, deeply committed to large slices and well-crafted whiskey.

Here are the details:

  • WHEN: Thursday, July 17th, 5 p.m. through Sunday, July 20th, at 2 p.m.
  • WHERE: Rensselaerville, New York. A bucolic 19th century village that time forgot, aka NoWheresVille, Upstate. Camp days and dinners at the LongHouse Barn.
  • HOW MUCH: $1,250, includes all meals and dorm-style housing
Roeliff Jansen Community Library hosts literary events this summer
The Roeliff Jansen Community Library, which is chartered to serve Ancram, Copake and Hillsdale, is located at 9091 Rt. 22, approximately one mile south of the light at the intersection of Routes 22 and 23 in Hillsdale. It will host several activities this summer, including the following literary events:

  • Thursday, July 17, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Banned Book Group: Native Son by Richard Wright (facilatated by Len Barham);
  • Thursday, July 24, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Poetry Open Mic Night;
  • Thursday, August 7,6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Banned Book Group: The Glass Castle (facilitator Sheila Moss); and
  • Thursday, August 28, 6 to 8 p.m., Poetry Open Mic Night.

In addition, the library will be hosting several community, music and children’s events. For information on hours and events, call (518) 325-4101, or visit the library’s website

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Editor’s Note

I enjoy putting together this newsletter for the HVWG. As a member of the Guild and a working writer in our community, I recognize its incredible value and hope it is a terrific resource for you, as well. Please let me know if there’s anything we can do to improve it. Here are some housekeeping notes:

    • Want your news item published in a future newsletter? Submit it to me at The deadline each month is the 25th, and the newsletter publishes on (or around) the 1st. Please note: All announcements are subject to editing. 
    • PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU ARE A MEMBER when submitting your publication credits and readings (personal accomplishments). If you indicate you are an active member, I can place your announcement in the member section; otherwise, it will be placed under “area announcements.”
  • Got issues with the newsletter formatting? other feedback? Please email that same address:
  • The Hudson Valley Writers Guild offers space in its newsletter for submission and program opportunities but does not endorse any programs or publications that are not offered through the Guild.


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