ACW and Spring Street Offer Unique Writing Workshop

The Adirondack Center for Writing and the Spring Street Gallery present “Word as Eye,” a cross-disciplinary fusion of visual art & creative writing.
Marilyn McCabe

Marilyn McCabe

The Adirondack Center for Writing and the Spring Street Gallery are teaming up to bring you “Word as Eye,” a unique, cross-disciplinary fusion of visual art and creative writing. Poetic response to visual art has a long history, from Homer’s description of Achilles’s shield in The Iliad to The Convergence of Birds, a 2002 anthology of poems and fiction inspired by the boxes of Joseph Cornell.

Word as EyeOn Sunday afternoon, June 15th, we will review some examples of this tradition and create our own. We will start at 1:00pm with “Sacred Scraps,” the exhibit hanging in the Spring Street Gallery (110 Spring Street, Saratoga Springs). Bring a notebook and writing implement (old-fashioned paper and pen is preferable) and your imagination. The workshop costs $5 and will conclude around 5:00pm. To register, call (518) 587-6433.

Acclaimed Adirondack Poet Marilyn McCabe will lead the workshop. She has written several award-winning collections, including three chapbooks with Elaine Handley and Mary Shartle. She is a cross-disciplinary writer, artist and singer.

“Sacred Scraps” is a visual art show by Rabbi Linda Motzkin featuring fragments of sacred Jewish literature calligraphed upon pieces of handmade deerskin parchment that are “flawed,” and bear moving testimony to the range of life experience.

“Word as Eye” is supported by the Adirondack Center for Writing and the Spring Street Gallery, and funded in part by the Saratoga Program for Arts Funding (SPAF), part of the Decentralization Program, a re-grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts, administered by Saratoga Arts.

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