Bookmarks Call for Submissions

The Arts Center of the Capital Region wants submissions for Bookmarks: a series of group readings presented as part of The Memoir Project.
The Arts Center

The Arts Center

The Arts Center of the Capital Region just announced its latest call for submissions for Bookmarks: a series of group readings presented as part of The Memoir Project. One of the readings this time around will be a part of the 2014 Albany Word Fest in April featuring young writers.

The Memoir Project, a program of The Arts Center of the Capital Region, invites submissions for Bookmarks, an annual series of group readings featuring writing that is grounded in personal experience.  We encourage both experienced writers as well as those whose work has not previously been read publicly, or published, to submit work.

Bookmarks is a thematically differentiated group reading. Each event is curated by a different individual, hand selected from our region’s richly diverse community to host. Chosen for their unique personal experiences and professional expertise, the curators decide on their month’s theme. Details about the submission criteria and schedule for each curator are listed on the website. Each individual reading category has a separate submission date, approximately three weeks prior to the event. Works will be evaluated on literary excellence and relevance to the broader Memoir Project theme (i.e. does the work mine the personal to express the universal?) as well as the individual themes set by each curator.

For all of the information on the series and how you can get involved, go to the Arts Center website.

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