Poetry On The Web

Poetry and spoken word are getting a lot of attention in the news all over the country. Here are a few articles that caught our eye this week on the web.

Poetry and spoken word are getting a lot of attention in the news all over the country. Here are a few articles that caught our eye this week on the web.

‘Sons of Anarchy’ gets ‘Sesame Street’ parody


Zap2it – The last thing anyone could have expected “Sesame Street” to parody was “Sons of Anarchy.” After all, no child should ever watch the drama about an outlaw motorcycle club. Ever. That hasn’t stopped the PBS program from coming up with their own take on the show, “Sons of Poetry. Read more.


Poetry Gets Some Poetic Justice


Wall Street Journal -There once were expounders of verse, for whom many had ordered a hearse; but instead of a dwindling, came a curveball rekindling, moving coins from their eyes to their purse. Poetry, an art form often treated as whipping boy in the cultural landscape, is on an unexpected uptick in New York. Read more.


Bowery Poetry Reopens After Year of Renovations

Bowery PoetryThe Poetry Foundation – Good news for those bemoaning the loss of the East Village (we know you’re out there). The Bowery Poetry Club (now officially Bowery Poetry) is back in business! You might remember last year’s confusion surrounding its fate. Read more.


Liberate Poetry! Robert Pinsky’s Manifesto for Readers

Robert PinskyThe Daily Beast – Poetry has been taken hostage by the academy and its obsession with “meaning,” but former poet laureate Robert Pinsky rides to the rescue with his new book celebrating language and sound. Daniel Bosch on a call to bring music back to poetry. Read more.


Street Poets Inc. Gives Voice to The Los Angeles Community

Chris HenrinksonLos Angeles Sentinel – Street Poets Inc. is a nonprofit organization that uses poetry to help end gang warfare, violence and imprisonment in the heart of Los Angeles. The organization’s founder Chris Henrinkson began teaching poetry classes in 1995. Read more.

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