Gould to Lead Workshop for the Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry

Roberta Gould is offering a free writing workshop titled “Words: Where They Want to Go” on Saturday, September 7 at the Seligmann Studio.
Roberta Gould

Roberta Gould

Roberta Gould will offer a writing workshop titled “Words: Where They Want to Go”  on Saturday, September 7, from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m. at the Seligmann Studio, 23 White Oak Drive (across from the SLPAC, formerly the Lycian), Sugar Loaf, New York.  The program is free and open to all.  No preregistration is required.

She describes her program for the session as “taking words from workshop stimuli, reading them back, modeling them …to the start of a poem or two.”

Since her first poetry book Dream Yourself Flying in 1979, she has published nine others including the recent What History Trammels, and Wee Fictions…The Fun of It.  Her work has also appeared in The New York TimesPoetry NowCatholic WorkerCalifornia QuarterlyMilkweed Chronicle, and many other journals and anthologies.

Gould studied in the U. S. and at the National University of Mexico. She taught Romance languages at Brooklyn, Hunter and City College in New York and at the University of California in Berkeley.  For more information see robertagould.net.

Gould’s program is one of a series of free open workshops to be offered by the Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry on the first Saturday of every month of 2013.  The College is for the present suspending its eight-week workshops, the Distinguished Visiting Poet program, and the Wawayanda Review.

The next workshop, led by Ed Fisher, and focusing on the theme of metrics will take place on October 5.

Following the workshop, Poetry on the Loose will present Victoria Sullivan at 3:30 in the same space followed by an open reading.

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