Five Year Celebration Reading at the Pine Hollow Arboretum

Alan Casline has announced the Five Year Celebration Reading at Pine Hollow Arboretum on Friday, August 9 at 6:30 PM with a group reading by local poets .
Pine Hollow Arboretum

Pine Hollow Arboretum

Alan Casline has announced the Five Year Celebration Reading at Pine Hollow Arboretum on Friday, August 9 at 6:30 PM. This will be a special group reading featuring local poets Alan Casline, A.C. Everson, Philip Good, Bernadette Mayer, Marion Mennaobeedúid, R.A. Pavoldi, Susan Ribeck, Bob Sharkey, Sharon Stenson, and Dan Wilcox. There will also be an open mic sign up available for poets to read three short poems or two longer poems. Also two pages of prose will be acceptable. Donations welcomed. in support of the help given this open mic series by John and Kay Abbuhl, who run the Pine Hollow Arboretum.

Casline says that, “This popular reading is a great sample of local poetry and draws listeners as well as performers.”

All are welcome to come by. The Arboretum is open dawn to dusk, if you want to arrive early to walk the grounds. There will be a pot-luck starting at before the reading 5:30. Bring a dish to share and start the evening early.

Contact Alan at for more information. Funding to support this Reading Series comes from Hudson Valley Writers Guild and Rootdrinker Institute.

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