Cheryl Rice will offer a writing workshop titled “Gods & Heroes: Poetry as Memoir”on Saturday, from 1:00 until 3:00 pm on June 1 at the Seligmann Studio, 23 White Oak Drive (across from the SLPAC, formerly the Lycian), Sugar Loaf , New York . The program is free and open to all. No preregistration is required.
According to Rice memoir, whether in the form of prose or poetry, helps the writer to gain perspective and knowledge about her/his past while reviewing events, both painful and joyful, from a safe distance. She asks participants in the workshop to bring a personal object or photo appropriate to the theme “Gods & Heroes” which they would be willing to discuss with the group. After reviewing some poems as examples, each individual will “free write” for twenty or thirty minutes, striving for formless, stream of consciousness recordings of thoughts without editing or self-criticism. The aim is express a strong, creative response to life experiences which may or may not result in polished poetry in the end.
Rice is the author of Outside, Roses: three poems, A Thousand Candy Vaginas: Poems 1989-1995 and five other collections, as well as appearing in three anthologies. Her work has appeared in Baltimore Review, Chronogram, Florida Review, Home Planet News, and many other journals. Known in the Hudson Valley as founder and host of the Sylvia Plath Bake-Off, she also maintains a poetry blog at http://flyingmonkeyprods.
Following the workshop, Poetry on the Loose will present Gary Whitehead at 3:30 in the same space followed by an open reading.
Rice’s is one of a series of free open workshops to be offered by the Northeast Poetry Center ’s College of Poetry on the first Saturday of every month of 2013. The College is for the present suspending its eight-week workshops, the Distinguished Visiting Poet program, and the Wawayanda Review.
The next workshop will take place on July 6.