Jill Crammond and Carolee Sherwood
Editor Jill Crammond (left)
with poetry co-conspirator Carolee Sherwood

As I have been wont to say during April, “In Albany, every day is Poetry Month.” Especially today as the week-long WordFest 2013 starts, & this is my second poetry event of the day. It was the “book launch” for the new poetry journal Up the River, edited by Jill Crammond & sponsored by AlbanyPoets.com, with the back room of McGeary’s (The Poetry Parlor) filled to illegal capacity by the poets in the first issue, each chomping at the bit to read their 1 poem. The hosting duties were shared by Jill, Vice-President (emphasis on “vice”) Mary Panza & il Papa Thom Francis.

The following is my record of the poets & the poems they read, to the best of my hearing/knowledge — you’ll just have to wait until the journal is out before you can check the accuracy of this, of course I’ll take corrections as needed in the meantime.

Dan Wilcox, “Coyote 2.” Carolee Sherwood, “Seeing Another Dead Doe at the Side of the Road.” Darcy Smith, “Shoreline Now.” Judy Lechner, “In a Nursing Home.” Ken Denberg, “Even Dog Odd Dog” (from a series of poems about a man & a dog, “both assholes”). Howard Kogan, “The River of Time.” Lloyd Barnhart, “Wanted: River Keepers.”

Victoria Sullivan

Victoria Sullivan, “The Lover” (shagging the handyman). Leslie Gerber (said it was the 3rd county he has read poetry in this weekend), “The Time of My Life in this Neighborhood.” Roberta Gould, “For Dorothy.” Tess Lecuyer (introduced as “Lily’s godmother”), “Prompt Dates” (in 34 pieces). Cecele Krause, “Her Song,” then she reads for Jan Tramontano, “Hibiscus.” Judith Prest, “Wardrobe Alchemy.” Mary Perez, “What the Snow Uncovers.” Alan Catlin, “The Little Darlings” (from a work-in-progress, “Beautiful Mutants”). Brett Peterson, “The Room”. A.C. Everson, “Bad Daughter” (about her Mom in her last days). Sally Rhoades, “My Father’s Slippers.” Carol Graser, “Portrait of a Poet Unhappy with the Size of His Hair.”

Matt Galletta

Matt Galletta, “Mix Tape” (with “no way to rewind”). Avery, “On Marriage” (& baking a cake). Tom Corrado, “A Piece of Nothing.” Carol Jewell, “Beast.” Mark O’Brien (Obeeduid), “My Great Hunger.” Julie Lomoe, “Open Mic on Lark St.” (the last reading by poet Tom Nattell). Cheryl A. Rice, “Encounter with Frida Kahlo” (sex & images from the paintings).

Phew! What a start to this week of poetry mayhem — stay tuned.

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