Writers Sharon Charde and Jan Conn to Read in Lee

Good Purpose Gallery

We just heard about this event and want to let everyone know about a great new reading series in Lee, MA at The Good Purpose Gallery (40 Main Street).

Writers Read is a monthly series of established poets and writers reading from their works for 30 minutes or less. This series, now in it’s 8th month, has really taken off, with more and more people attending each month. This Friday, March 22, at 5:30pm the reading series continues with Sharon Charde and Jan Conn.

Sharon Charde, a retired psychotherapist who has been a writing teacher since 1992, has won numerous poetry awards, the latest being first prize in the 2011 New Hampshire Poetry Contest 2nd and 3rd prizes in the 2012 contest. She is published over fifty times in journals and anthologies of poetry and prose, including Calyx, The Paterson Review, Rattle, Poet Lore and The Comstock Review, and has had seven Pushcart nominations. She has also edited and published I Am Not A Juvenile Delinquent, containing the work of the adjudicated teenaged females she has volunteered with since 1999 at a residential treatment center in Litchfield Ct. She has two first prize-winning chapbooks, Bad Girl At The Altar Rail and Four Trees Down From Ponte Sisto and a full-length collection, Branch In His Hand, published by Backwaters Press in November 2008, which was adapted as a radio play by the BBC and broadcast on June 29, 2012 .

Jan Conn’s most recent book is Edge Effects (Brick Books, 2012). She is also the author of Botero’s Beautiful Horses (Brick Books, 2009) and Jaguar Rain (Brick Books, 2006), among other titles. Her work is in several literary journals and anthologies, most recently Best Canadian Poetry in English Anthology, 2009 and 2011, Tightrope Books. She won the 2006 Malahat Review PK Page Founders’ Award Poetry Prize and a CBC Literary Award for poetry (2003). She is a member of the writing collaborative Yoko’s Dogs (http://yokosdogs.com/) and lives in Great Barrington, MA. She is also a research scientist who travels often to Latin America.

This event is free to the public, but they do pass the hat to support the readers. The writers will have their books available for purchase after the reading. For more information contact David Giannini, the Writers Read coordinator at davidpoet@gmail.com.

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