Will Nixon will offer a writing workshop titled “Write Poems with Nature” on Saturday, April 6 from 1:00 until 3:00 pm on March 2 at the Seligmann Homestead, 23 White Oak Drive (across from the SLPAC, formerly the Lycian), Sugar Loaf, New York. The program is free and open to all. No preregistration is required.
Nixon plans to offer “several writing exercises that use nature to spark the creative imagination. Learn a few tricks for revising. And one for reading your poems aloud. A workshop for beginners, experts, birders, gardeners, hikers, hunters, fishers, boaters, beach combers, and anyone else who has felt the magic of the outdoors.”
He is the author of such poetry books as Love in the City of Grudges and My Late Mother as a Ruffed Grouse as well as the very popular Walking Woodstock and The Pocket Guide to Woodstock. A habitual hiker, he has often led groups of writers into wilderness settings.
Nixon grew up in the Connecticut suburbs, spent his young adulthood in Hoboken and Manhattan, then moved to a Catskills log cabin in 1996 complete with a wood stove and mice. For years, he wrote environmental journalism, then turned to poetry and personal essays. His work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and listed in Best American Essays 2004. He now lives in Woodstock with a wall thermostat for heat, but still can’t get rid of the mice.
Following the workshop, Poetry on the Loose will present George Searles at 3:30 in the same space.
Nixon’s is one of a series of free open workshops to be offered by the Northeast Poetry Center’s College of Poetry on the first Saturday of every month of 2013. The College is for the present suspending its eight-week workshops, the Distinguished Visiting Poet program, and the Wawayanda Review.
The next workshop, on May 4, will be led by Teresa Costa and will focus on jazz poetry. Later programs will be led by Cheryl Rice, William Seaton, and others.