Poets Speak Loud featuring Bryan Roessel


We return to McGeary’s on Monday, February 25 for another edition of Poets Speak Loud with this month’s featured poet Bryan Roessel. Bryan was originally scheduled to be the featured poet in October, but weather forced us to reschedule.

We first met Bryan at the second Nitty Gritty Slam in September 2011 where he came in second place. Since then we have worked with Bryan for a special pre-Nationals slam in Suffern that he organized with teams from New Jersey, White Plains, and Albany.

Here is how he describes himself:

Bryan Roessel is a poet/science teacher with the most attractive beard you’ve ever seen. In addition to hosting a monthly poetry slam in Suffern, NY, he competed at the 2012 National Poetry Slam on the White Plains team. His poetry is mostly about girls, sadness, and rocks.

For a preview of what you can expect at Poets Speak Loud, head on over to Bryan’s poets page at https://hvwg.org/poets/bryan-roessel/.

Poets Speak Loud is a monthly open mic for poetry and spoken word with a featured poet hosted by local poet Mary Panza at McGeary’s (4 Clinton Square, Albany) in downtown Albany on the last Monday of each and every month.

Sign-up for the open mic is 7:00pm, we start around 8pm

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