HVWG 2013 Short Fiction Contest



It’s time for the annual Hudson Valley Writers Guild writing contest. Last year was the contest for poetry, this year they are looking for your short fiction with a great panel of judges looking over the work. Mimi Moriarty sent along the following guidelines, so get your words into the Guild.


The HVWG writing contest alternates genres annually. This year’s contest is in short fiction. Winners will be awarded cash prizes and invited to read their winning story at a special Guild program in the fall of 2013.

 First Prize – $100 / Second Prize – $75 / Third Prize – $50

Eligibility:  All contestants must be residents of New York State.  Current members of the HVWG Board of  Directors and their families are not eligible. Current or past students as well as family of the judges are also not eligible.  This year’s judges are:  Pam Clements, Nancy Klepsch, David Sylvester.

Entries must be postmarked between March 1 and May 31, 2013.  Identification / contact information must not appear anywhere on the submission.  Cover letter should include the following: name, address, phone number, email address, title of short story, word count.  One story per submission, but more than one submission may be sent with corresponding entry fee.

  • All submissions must be typed in 12-pt. font, double-spaced.
  • Word count – no more than 6,500 words.
  • Send two hard copies by mail, no e-mail submissions.
  • Story must be previously unpublished.
  • All themes are considered, but please no pornography or erotica.
  • Stories will be judged on the basis of strong characters, compelling plots, distinctive voice and evocative prose.

Results:  Submissions will not be returned, but if you would like hardcopy results of the contest, please send an SASE. All entrants will be notified of winners by email and/or SASE.  Results will also be posted on our website at http://hvwg.org.

For more information, please contact Mimi Moriarty at winterview@earthlink.net.

Mail submissions and entry fee to:

The HVWG Short Fiction Contest
c/o Mimi Moriarty
3180 New Scotland Road
Voorheesville, NY  12186.

Entry Fee:  $15 for non-members of HVWG, $10 for members.  Make checks payable to HVWG and send with submission.

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