Some Calls For Your Poetry Submissions

Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop

We have gotten a couple calls for submissions for poetry in the past few days and wanted to pass the information along to you.

First up is the first issue of the Perfume River Poetry Review out of California. This first issue will feature the Perfume River Poetry Prize.  The winner of the contest will be awarded $500.

Named after the river that flows through the Vietnamese imperial capital city of Huế, Perfume River Poetry Review is a new print literary journal that will publish its first issue in February 2013.  The magazine was begun by Vuong Quoc Vu in 2012 to showcase and celebrate the best in new and emerging poetry.  Vu, a graduate of the MFA in Creative Writing Program  at Fresno State Univeristy, has been an editor of Reed Magazine, the San Joaquin Journal, and Caesura before embarking on his own poetry adventure on the Perfume River.

For full information on this new journal of poetry, please check  out their website here.


We are now moving east with our friend R.M. Engelhardt and The Literary Rogue looking for poetry, photos, and literature. January 1, 2013 is the deadline for the second edition of this new online magazine.


And We Want Your Submissions For Our Winter, 2013 Issue Damn It !

DEADLINE JANUARY 1st 2013 (If We Are All Still Here!)

Please send all submissions for THE LITERARY ROGUE at With The Words FICTION* POETRY* PHOTOGRAPHY Or *ART In the subject line.

For the full rundown on what Rob is looking for, head on over to the website.


For the final call for submissions, we look to our very own “Journal of Poetry, Art, and Photography” Up The River. The deadline for the first issue, which will be a physical, printed magazine, is fast approaching.

Up The RiverThis is the newest venture from Albany Poets to showcase original poetry, art and photography from around the world. A biannual print publication, Up the River is a perfect compliment to Albany Poets support of the arts community.   We are continually awed and inspired by the work we see on the stages, blogs, websites and galleries in our community and beyond.

To be included in the inaugural edition, being released in April 2013 (just in time for Word Fest), send in your poetry and art to editors Jill Crammond and Keith Spencer by January 31, 2013. For full details and submission guidelines, please go to the Up The River website.

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