Woodstock Poetry Society and Festival Reading Featuring Mike Jurkovic and Rebecca Schumejda

Mike Jurkovic

Mike Jurkovic

We just can not get enough of Rebecca Schumejda these days. She recently launched her new book down in Kingston with a great reading with Cheryl Rice and Nate Graziano. On top of that she is the featured poet here in the Albany Poets website and will be the performing at Poets Speak Loud on Monday night at McGeary’s.

If you are not able to make it up to Albany, you can check out performances by Rebecca and fellow Hudson Valley poet Mike Jurkovic at the Colony Cafe in Woodstock on December 8 for the next meeting of the Woodstock Poetry Society hosted by Phillip Levine.

Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock “Second Saturdays” Art Events. For a full listing of “Second Saturday” events, see www.artsinwoodstock.org.

Poets Mike Jurkovic and Rebecca Schumejda will be the featured readers, along with an open mike and the (short) Annual Business & Planning Meeting when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at the Colony Cafe, 22 Rock City Road, on Saturday, December 8th at 2:00pm.

The readings will be hosted by Woodstock area poet Phillip Levine. All meetings are free, open to the public, and include an open mike.

Mike Jurkovic hates bios. He feels they are boring to the audience and adds undue stress upon him to live up to the hype. But since you asked: Purgatory Road (Pudding House Press, 2010). 300 national & international publication credits to date. Anthologies:WaterWrites & Riverine  (Codhill Press, 2009, 2007); Will Work For Peace (Zeropanik,1999). Co-director of Calling All Poets @ The Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY. His CD reviews appear in Elmore Magazine, Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange, Van Wyck GazetteThe Rock ‘n Roll Curmudgeon appeared in Rhythm & News Magazine 1996-2003. He loves Emily most of all.

Rebecca Schumejda is the author of two full-length collections Cadillac Men (New York Quarterly Press, 2012) and Falling Forward (sunnyoutside, 2009). She is also the author of several chapbooks From Seed to Sin (Bottle of Smoke Press, 2011), The Map of Our Garden (verve bath, 2009); Dream Big, Work Harder (sunnyoutside 2006); The Tear Duct of the Storm (Green Bean Press, 2001); and the poem “Logic” on a postcard (sunnyoutside). She received her MA in Poetics and Creative Writing from San Francisco State University and her BA in English and Creative Writing from SUNY New Paltz.She lives in New York’s Hudson Valley with her husband and daughter.

For more information on this reading or the Woodstock Poetry Society contact Phillip Levine at (845)246-8565 or email pprod@mindspring.com

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