Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic Featuring Woodstock Poet Phillip Levine

Phillip Levine

Phillip Levine

On Sunday, November 25 poets from all over the area will be making the post-Thanksgiving pilgrimage to the Old Songs Community Center (37 South Main Street, Voorheesville) for the another edition of the Sunday Four Open Mic series. This month the featured poet is Chronogram poetry editor Phillip Levine.

Here is the announcement from hosts Edie AbramsMike Burke, and Dennis Sullivan:

Sunday Four Poetry Open Mic presents Saugerties poet PHILLIP LEVINE as its featured reader at its Sunday November 25th gathering at Old Songs. Three p.m.

Phillip’s reading is not to be missed. Not only is he a fine fine craftsman of the poetic line but his presentation of his work is worth the price of donation. If you have not heard him read, and even if you have, he is not to be missed. See you there!

All open-mic readers can present three pretty short poems, two medium, or one semi-long but no Paterson.

Afterwards we always repair for food and good cheer to the POETS’ CORNER at Smith’s Tavern a dozen houses or so away from our space.  This is an integral part of the event—good cheer and conviviality.

We still ask: what are the two other famous Poet’s Corners around the globe? For the answer, check out Smitty’s website.

Phillip is a poet, editor and performer. He is poetry editor for Chronogram and president of the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival. From 2001-2008, he hosted a popular weekly reading series at The Colony Cafe, one of the most storied venues for poets and musicians in Woodstock, NY. He is now the host of the monthly Chronogram Open Word series in Kingston.

Here is a video of Phillip reading in Woodstock from 2010.


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