Poetry at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Featuring Donald Lev and Michael Platsky

Donald Lev

Donald Lev

This coming Saturday at the  Unitarian Universalist Congregation (320 Sawkill Road) in Kingston host Micky Shorr welcomes two fantastic Hudson Valley poets, Donald Lev and Michael Platsky. 

The evening begins at 7:00. There is a  $5 donation at the door, $2.50 if you read at the open mic.

Donald Lev continues to publish Home Planet News, the newsprint literary review he and his late wife, the poet Enid Dame founded in 1979. The latest collections of his poetry are The Darkness Above: Selected Poems 1968-2002 (Red Hill, 2008), a chapbook, Only Wings (Presa, 2010), and A Very Funny Fellow (NYQ Books, 2012).

Michael Platsky hosts the Monday open mics at Woodstocks Harmony Cafe on Monday nights. He has been writing poetry, observations and reactions to our revolving world for forty years. He has been reading at venues in the Hudson Valley since 1998, and has not been published in all the finest poetry journels. He has been published by Home Planet News and Wildflowers, which is far better than those that rejected him.

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