Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – what the rain couldn’t hear was

what the rain couldn’t hear was time is a mistress of moreGoddessriddling the windwith her tongues on our clockscarvingour dark beginsour peel scraped endsour molecules thinned  enough to birth light ineach element of usin all the spacethat elect…
Ed Rinaldi

Ed Rinaldi

what the rain couldn’t hear was

time is
a mistress
of more
riddling the wind
with her tongues
on our clocks
our dark begins
our peel scraped ends
our molecules thinned
enough to birth light in
each element of us
in all the space
that electrons ain’t
though perspective
and the truth
of painting horizons
is as it always is
an observable
set of accordion
and the truth is
that every rendition
is a thirst
is a crawl down
to bare essential
in a plea
for more time

poem 115 of a poem a day for 2012 (NaPoWriMo3)


Are you writing a poem everyday for National Poetry Month? Want to post those poems on the Albany Poets website? Send them to albanypoets@gmail.com and they will be available for the world to read.

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