April 1, 2012

her daring and her hesitate (napowrimo #1-ish)

POEM REMOVED FOR EDITING /// so it’s national poetry month. typically, i rush head-long into the poem-a-day challenges like this one and this one. but haven’t been sitting down to write much at all. i haven’t been able to write even when i do. and i am nervous about jumping back in. i haven’t been […]

Jason Crane

POEM: Cape Town

Cape Town singing Cape Town into Brooklyn through a pair of speakers made in China music written in the Berkshires by a madhouse veteran of the solo circuit green tea in the last surviving mug from the latest in a long line of relocations the new room has an altar in it which would surprise […]

Poem A Day – Ed Rinaldi – feeding the dark hems

feeding the dark hemssack-cloth rivers watch timestacking each carvedclearly identifiable featurethe Sun can sell of youto pair gravity withrise the probabilities by the day and flood the outcomesin the languagesof dreams at nighttell de…