Slamming Nitty Gritty Style at Valentines on Tuesday, October 18

Kate Romolder at NGS#2

Kate Romolder at NGS#2

Nitty Gritty Slam #4 is this coming Tuesday, October 18 at Valentines. This time around we are upstairs at the club for the slam as the American Music Club with Dan Johnson and John Scarpulla will be meeting under the spoken word.

What will Slam Master Brammage and Mojavi have in store for us this time? Will Nester break out the sound effects again? Come on out and support the only poetry slam in town. You can’t beat the price for a night of entertainment and inspiration.

Here is the information from the Facebook event page:

Urban Guerilla Theatre, Albany Poets, and The Frequency North Reading Series are bringing slam back to Albany with the NITTY GRITTY SLAM twice a month at Valentines hosted by Dain Brammage and Mojavi.

NITTY GRITTY SLAM is registered with PSI (Poetry Slam Inc.) and we are already making plans for the National Events: IWPS 2012 and NPS 2013.

Sign up begins at 7:00PM, open mic starts at 7:30PM, and the slam starts at 8:00PM.

Admission is $5.00 ($3.00 with student ID)

NITTY GRITTY SLAM takes place at Valentines (17 New Scotland Ave.) on the first and third Tuesday’s of each and every month.

More information can be found at And if you want to check out the scores from previous editions of the Nitty Gritty Slam, be sure to check the Results Page.

Photo credit: Dan Wilcox

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