Poetry on the Web – Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Youth Speaks

Youth Speaks

Youth Speaks – 2011 Take Back the American Dream Conference – Slam Poetry (from Justice Through Music Project)
JTMP has been attending the TBAD 2011 Conference, and one of the events was a poetry slam performance by someone from “Youth Speaks”, an organization that “places young people in control of their intellectual and artistic development.”


True to give poetry reading tonight in Worcester (from Worcester Telegram)
Michael True, a co-founder of the Worcester County Poetry Association, will give a free reading at Assumption College at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday as part of the association’s 40th anniversary celebrations…


The First Annual Poetry World Series (from SFStation.com )
Join us for the first annual Poetry World Series, in which two teams of up-and-coming Bay Area poets–Mathew Zapruder, Robin Ekiss, Troy Jollimore, Ada Limon, Dean Rader, and Melissa Stein– take turns batting up to a poem topic pitched by the audience…


Kugelmass now open to poetry. Humorous poetry, that is (from wewhoareabouttodie.com)
This just in from the editors of Kugelmass, which is not to be confused with Kegel-muscles, although they sorta sound similar. Kugelmass: A Journal of Literary Humor, is now open to poetry! You asked for it and now we giveth it to ye…


Edgar Guest, Marianne Moore, and the Place Where Pop Meets Modernism (from Slate Magazine)
The most famous poet in American history sold a million copies of his book, back in the days when a million was a lot. He had his own weekly radio show and even, for a while, his own television show. His poetry was syndicated and appeared in hundreds of newspapers. For many years he published a new poem every day—and he did not miss deadlines. And yet, as fame goes, few people today know the name of Edgar Guest (1881-1959)…



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