Mary Eliza Crane to Feature at Caffe Lena Open Mic

This coming Wednesday, poet Mary Eliza Crane will be the featured poet at the Caffe Lena Open Mic in historic Saratoga Springs. Host Carol Graser sent along the following information on the event:

Caffè Lena Poetry Open Mic featuring Mary Eliza Crane

The first Wednesday of every month Caffè Lena presents:
Caffè Lena Poetry Open Mic
Wednesday, May 4
7pm sign up, 7:30 readings start
Featured Poet: Mary Eliza Crane
Hosted by Carol Graser
Caffè Lena, 47 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs, 583-0022

Mary Eliza Crane grew up in New England and began writing poetry at age fourteen to reconcile the incongruencies of life. Poetry remains the one constant to which Mary always returns. In the Adirondacks she fell madly, passionately and desirously in love with the natural world. A transplant to the Cascade foothills of the Pacific Northwest, her voice lives in the understory and fog of the Snoqualmie River. A fusion of this one true love and a deep understanding of what makes us human, she writes simultaneously of the personal, political and natural world. A regular feature at poetry venues in the Puget Sound region, her first volume of poetry "What I Can Hold In My Hands" was published in 2009 by Gazoobi Tales Publishing. "At First Light" also by Gazoobi was just released in early 2011.

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