A.P.D. Announces the Publication of “Poeming the Prompt” by Dan Wilcox

Dan Wilcox

Our good friend Dan Wilcox  has a new book coming out from A.P.D. (not the Albany Police Department). The book is only $5.00 (add another dollar for postage) and is available from Dan himself.

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A.P.D. (another poeming day) announces the publication of the new chapbook of poetry by Dan Wilcox, Poeming the Prompt. The 16-page collection contains poems mostly written in November, 2010 in response to prompts for a poem-a-day project sponsored by Writers Digest magazine. While some of the poems confront writing-from-prompts head on, others deal with Wilcox’s usual topics: sex, death & politics. Also included is the whimsical “Top Tips for Anxiety-Free Writing from Prompts.”

A.P.D. (always poem daily), under the direction of Albany poet and photographer Dan Wilcox, has been publishing the works of local and regional poets since 1989. Among the works published by A.P.D. are To the Husband I Have Not Yet Met, by Mary Kathryn Jablonski, Distant Kinships by Anthony Bernini, Suddenly Sapphires by Dina Pearlman, and Three Sides to the Looking Glass by Rachel Zitomer. You can read Wilcox’s Blog on the Albany poetry scene at dwlcx.blogspot.com.

Copies of Poeming the Prompt by Dan Wilcox can be purchased directly from the poet when you see him at poetry readings or out & about for $5.00, or by mail for $6.00 (checks may be made payable to “A.P.D.”) from A.P.D. (another pleasant day), 280 South Main Ave., Albany, NY 12208. For a complete list of publications available from A.P.D. (alternating poetic device) write to the above address or email apdbooks@earthlink.net.

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