Alison Koffler and Dayl Wise Reading at The Bohemian Book Bin

image Two great poets are featuring at the Bohemian Book Bin on Thursday night in Kingston. definitely worth the trip. Here is the info

POETRY READING @ Bohemian Book Bin: Thursday – July 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM with features Alison Koffler & Dayl Wise followed by open reading (signup: 7p; 5-min limit – (there are 60 seconds in a minute!!!). Hosted by Teresa Marta Costa. $3.00 suggested donation

845-331-6713 or

Bohemian Book Bin
85 Carle Terrace, Lake Katrine, NY    (845) 336.6450
(located almost across the street from Big Bubble Laundromat. Just North of Adam’s Fairacre Farms. First right past Quikchek just off Route 9W on Carle Terrace Road, in Lake Katrine. Store cannot be seen from the main Road.)

Alison Koffler attended the City College of New York as an undergraduate and received her Masters’ Degree in English from Lehman College.  She was the winner of the Goodman Fund Poetry Award in 1978 and the Charlotte A. Tougher Poetry Award in 1993.  She was three times the winner of the Bronx Council on the Arts’ BRIO Award for poetry in 1993, 2000 and 2006.  She was the recipient of the Poetry Teacher of the Year Award from Poets’ House and McGraw-Hill in 2003, and was a finalist in the Sue Saniel Elkins Poetry Contest in 2006.  Her poems have appeared in such publications as Iris: A Journal For Women, Heliotrope, Poetry in Performance, and Kalliope.  An English and creative writing teacher, she currently works as an on-site teacher-consultant for the New York City Writing Project at Lehman College.

Dayl Wise was drafted into the US Army in 1969 and served in Viet Nam and Cambodia in 1970. He is a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and Veterans For Peace. He lives part time in the Bronx and Woodstock, New York with his wife, the poet Alison Koffler and Molly, a Labrador-pit bull mix. His poems have appeared in The Veteran, Home Planet News, Universe at Your Door – The Slabsides Poets, Chronogram and More Than a Memory, Reflections of Viet Nam.  In his spare time, he runs Post Traumatic Press (PTP) and is the author of Poems and other stuff (PTP) 2004 and Basic Load (PTP) 2009.   He is the editor of Post Traumatic Press 2007 (PTP), an anthology of work by three generations of veterans.

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