In The Care of Strangers, A New Book By D. Alexander Holiday

In The Care of Strangers Poet and writer D. Alexander Holiday has a brand new book out. In The Care of Strangers is now available for purchase at the offical website,  Here is some information on Holiday and the new book.

D. Alexander Holiday, author of three previous books of poetry and prose, has published his memoir on the formative years spent under the foster care system of New York.  The book, entitled, In The Care of Strangers, is the provocative narrative telling of the abandonment, abuse, and neglect by his immediate family and those of foster parents in four foster homes for nearly twenty-one years.  Coupled with being a ward of the state, Mr. Holiday was stricken with a paralyzing illness (while in a second foster home) the residue of which he still contends with to present day. Reviewing such a life, in care, and charging others with any of The Seven Deadly Sins, this is a compelling expose’ on what a life was like, what it could have become, and what it ultimately becomes for an abandoned individual.  In addition to the memoir, there is a “mini-novella” and a separate section of thirty-three poems (related only to the foster care experience) in the book.  Mr. Holiday’s hope is that by, finally, telling the full story of such a life, others can find their own strength and determination to achieve despite overwhelming odds. 

The link to the website of In The Care of Strangers & information on ordering a copy is:

D. Alexander Holiday volunteers and moderates a creative writing workshop for inmates at a state maximum security facility in upstate New York. His is also a local liaison for the GBS/CIDP Foundation International. He is the author of three previous books of poetry and prose: Letters to Osama, I Use To Fall Down, and All The Killers Gathered. His work can also be found at a variety of websites such as,, and

More on the author and purchasing his and other writer’s books can be found at and at the Xlibris webpage,  The author works as a New York State employee and resides in the Albany region.

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