Home Planet News Benefit and Reading This Sunday

image The Bohemian Book Bin is proud to welcome Donald Lev, one of the founders of The Home Planet News (an Independent Literary Review that includes Poetry, Fiction, and Theater) for a gala poetry event and to celebrate the emergence of Home Planet News issue #63

The following poets will be reading their work which is featured in The Home Planet News Issue #63: Andy Clausen, Teresa Marta Costa, Justin Parrinello, Michael Platsky, Judith Saunders & R. Dionysus Whiteurs.

Suggested Donation $5.00 includes refreshments & free copy of HPN, plus face to face with Donald Lev

Donald Lev and his reclusive cat Kit Smart live in High Falls, NY, where he spends most of his time publishing the literary tabloid Home Planet News, which he and his late wife Enid Dame founded in 1979 in NYC.

Donald Lev was born in New York City in 1936. He attended Hunter College, worked in the wire rooms of the Daily News and New York Times, and drove a taxi cab for 20 years (with a 6-year hiatus in which he ran messages for, and contributed poetry to, The Village Voice and operated the Home Planet Bookshop on the Lower East Side). His earliest poems appeared in print in 1958 and he started his first small press magazine, HYN Anthology, in 1969. He has published fourteen collections of poetry, including: Yesterday’s News in 2002 by Red Hill Outloudbooks in Claryville, NY. His brief underground film-acting career pinnacled with his portrayal (he
wrote his own lines) of "The Poet" in Robert Downey Sr.’s 1969 classic Putney Swope.  Don has just released a new collection: The Darkness Above.

So come by Sunday, November 8th from 4pm – 6pm, with some poems of your own to read & support an amazing publication, now in its 30th year Home Planet News at the Bohemian Book Bin, Largest Used Bookstore in Ulster County.  Now located in Lake Katrine, .02 mi North of Adams, off 9W right behind G & G Leather Sign. 85 Carle Terrace, Lake Katrine, 845-336-6450  bohemianbookbin.com

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