image The 2009 season of Poets in the Park begins this coming Saturday, July 11 at the Robert Burns statue in Washington Park.  Here is the schedule of this years readers from host Dan Wilcox:

Poets in the Park 2009

Saturdays in July at the Robert Burns statue, Washington Park, Albany (at Henry Johnson Blvd. & Hudson Ave.)

July 11, 7PM
Mary Kathryn Jablonski and Randall Horton

July 18, 7PM
LisaAnn LoBasso and Tom Nicotera

July 25, 7PM
Lori Desrosiers and George Wallace

Free! & open to the public (just like the park).  Bring chairs, blankets, etc. to sit on.  Rain site: the Social Justice Center, 33 Central Ave.

sponsored by the Poetry Motel Foundation & the Hudson Valley Writers Guild

This project is made possible in part through COMMUNITY ART$GRANTS, a program funded through the State and Local Partnership Program of the New York State Council on the arts, a State agency and the Arts Center of the Capital Region.

For more information call 482-0262

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