Every Other Thursday Poets… and Artists

image The Every Other Thursday Night Poets are artists as well! Or at least some of them are. They are hosting a reception on Thursday evening, June 18, from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Voorheesville Library (directions on Library web site). View art work by Tom Corrado, Barbara Vink, Mimi Moriarty, Philomena Moriarty, Alan Casline, Mark O’Brien, and others. Everything from acrylic to collage to photography and more! Everyone is invited to admire the art and its integration with the written word.

Mimi Moriarty and her brother, Frank Desiderio, will be the featured poets at the regular open mic held at the Old Songs Building, 37 S. Main Street, Voorheesville, on Sunday, June 28 at 3:00. (Old Songs is across the street from Stewart’s.) They are a duet, reading companion poems, seeing the same topic through a different set of lenses. Reception will follow. Bring a poem to read, or just come and listen to the varied and talented group of poets that hang out in Voorheesville.

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