Yes, Reading! This Friday at the UAG Gallery

Yes, Reading! Matthew Klane sent in the following reminder for this a special reading at the UAG Gallery this Friday.

Yes, Reading! + Flim Forum Press present Joshua Harmon and Andrew Zawacki on Friday, April 24 at the UAG Gallery (247 Lark St., Albany) starting at 7:00PM.

JOSHUA HARMON is the author of Scape (Black Ocean), a book of poems, and Quinnehtukqut (Starcherone Books), a novel. His work has appeared in many journals, including Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Iowa Review, jubilat, TriQuarterly, and Verse. A graduate of Marlboro College and Cornell University, he has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts, and the Dutchess County Arts Council.

ANDREW ZAWACKI is the author of three poetry books—Petals of Zero Petals of One (Talisman House), Anabranch (Wesleyan), and By Reason of Breakings (Georgia)—and of the chapbooks Arrow’s shadow (Equipage); Georgia (Katalanché), co-winner of the 1913 Prize; Roche limit (tir aux pigeons); Bartleby’s Waste-book (Particle Series); in motion from the Meridian, a collaboration with artist Jennifer Schuberth (Dusie Kollektiv); and Masquerade (Vagabond). His work has appeared in Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century (Sarabande), Walt Whitman hom(m)age, 2005/1855 (Turtle Point), The Iowa Anthology of New American Poetries (Iowa), Great American Prose Poems: From Poe to the Present (Scribner), and other anthologies. He teaches at the University of Georgia.

You can find out more at the Yes, Reading! Facebook Group page.

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