Woodstock Poetry Society, Saturday, January 10

Saratoga Lives by Michael Hare Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival as part of the Woodstock Arts Consortium is sponsoring the following poetry event as part of the Woodstock "Second Saturdays" Art Events. For a full listing of "Second Saturday" events, see: www.woodstockartsconsortium.org.

Please note: WPS&F is meeting at Woodstock Community Center (56 Rock City Road) for January 10th, February 14th, and March 14th meetings. WPS&F will return to Woodstock Town Hall (76 Tinker Street) for April 11th, meeting.

Writer Michael Hare and poet D. Alex Bird will be the featured readers when the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival meets at the Woodstock Community Center, 56 Rock City Road, on Saturday, January 10th at 2pm. Note: WPS&F meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of every month.

The readings will be hosted by Woodstock area poet Phillip Levine. All meetings are free, open to the public, and include an open mike.

Michael Hare – I moved to Saratoga Springs in 1982, and landed a job in the News Department of a local radio station.  That position allowed, and required, me to become familiar with the City’s political, social and cultural activities very quickly.  Later, I became a Tour Guide for a Travel Agency, and enhanced my knowledge of the area’s history.

Saratoga Lives is my first published book.  It traces Saratoga’s history through the voices of its characters, both real and imagined.  Staged readings of Saratoga Lives have been performed in Albany and Saratoga Springs (including Saratoga’s First Night), and the book is currently part of the curriculum of the Saratoga Springs High School.  I’ve been interviewed by several local radio stations, including WAMC in Albany.

D. Alex Bird – Alex Bird has been published in The Trillium, Poetic Voices, The Unknown Writer, The Samsara Quarterly, Chronogram and The Paterson Literary Review, where he won an Honorable Mention in the 2001 Allen Ginsberg Poetry Prize. He lives and works in the Hudson Valley.

Please note the changes in our upcoming schedule (we will meet at the Woodstock Community Center at 56 Rock City Road until the April 11, 2009 meeting when we will return to Town Hall at 76 Tinker Street).

Upcoming Featured Poets:
2/14 – Voyage by Josie Peralta, Ted Gill, and Glen River (at Woodstock Community Center)
3/14 – Rebecca Schumejda, Robert Milby (at Woodstock Community Center)
4/11 – Georganna Millman (Formulary), TBA (at Woodstock Town Hall)

Also, why not become a 2009 Member of the Woodstock Poetry Society & Festival?
Membership is a nominal $15 a year. (To join, send your check to the Woodstock Poetry Society, P.O. Box 531, Woodstock, NY 12498. Include your email address as well as your mailing address and phone number.)  Your membership helps pay for hall rental, post-office-box rental, the WPS website, and costs associated with publicizing the monthly events. One benefit of membership is the opportunity to have a brief biography and several of your poems appear on this website.

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