The Capital Flip Information on a new magazine that is launching tomorrow, January 1st and how you can submit your poetry for publication.  What a way to start the new year!

The Capital Flip ( will be launching in January as a cyber-publication (a.k.a. ʽzine), and will contain a section called Vice & Verse. V&V will feature four Capital Region poets, and will include their picture, bio and one or more poems, space permitting.

Submission Guidelines:

  • One picture of the poet.
  • A brief (100 words or less) bio, including any up-coming events.
  • 24 line limit on poetry (not including breaks)
  • 300 word limit on experimental prose.

To be considered for submission, please send the following as attachments with the heading ʽV-n-V Submissionʼ to

The deadline for each publication is the 15th of the previous month. Due to the expected volume of submissions, we cannot guarantee a spot on a given month, but we can try. We do not judge on content or style; thatʼs for our readers to judge.

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