Writing from Art Workshop at AIHA

HVWG The Hudson Valley Writers Guild and the Albany Institute of History and Art are sponsoring a workshop, “Writing from Art,” which will focus on poetry and other creative writing inspired by the exhibit Impressionist Giverny. Award winning Albany poet and teacher Therese Broderick will join with Erika Sanger, Director of Education of the Albany Institute, to conduct the workshop. The workshop includes writing, mentoring, discussion of the exhibit, and sharing of work. The exhibit has an emphasis on landscapes, with the same site rendered by different painters.  The themes of place, viewpoint, and interpretation will be featured. The option of writing en plein air at Albany Washington Park is offered, as well as writing in the museum from the exhibit works. A Reading of works will be held Friday, Nov. 7 at the museum’s Albany First Friday evening.

Artists from America and Europe transformed Giverny village from a sleepy hamlet to a colorful and thriving artists’ community. IMPRESSIONIST GIVERNY traces the evolution of art produced in the village and the impact of this artist community.

Saturday, Oct. 4, 2008 10 am – 3 pm · WORKSHOP and Friday, Nov. 7, 2008 6:30 pm · READING at the Albany Institute of History and Art; 1215 Washington Ave., Albany.

$25 for members of sponsors (above); $30 non-members.

To register, contact Erika Sanger at sangere@albanyinstitute.org or 518.463.4478 X404

About the Hudson Valley Writers Guild
The Hudson Valley Writers Guild, founded in 1983, is a non-profit membership organization of over 200 writers throughout the region. The Guild serves as an information clearinghouse for the local writing community, and it furthers writing and reading in the region through its public programs, peer workshops, and special member benefits.

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