HVWG Hudson Valley Writers Guild Announcements

Peer Group Workshop
Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 17, 2008.  The Hudson Valley Writers Guild will sponsor a workshop for those interested in joining a writing group or starting a writing group.  More information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.

Marni Gillard
A teacher workshop at Proctors with Marni Gillard – open to artists, teachers, anyone interested in the topics:  Storytalk To Write with Style – Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 4 – 7 PM.  Call (518)382-3884 ext.139 or email raskew@proctors.org for more information.

Reminder:  Don’t forget March 15 – 7:30 p.m. PROCTORS THEATER  Marni Gillard and Mary Murphy, will be part of Proctors new series on performing stories called WORD PLAY. Cost $15.Tickets available online or at PROCTORS’ Box Office. PROCTORS is also the new location of monthly story swaps. More details at http://www.storycircleatproctors.org/

Denie Whalen
An Expressive Arts and Social Change Workshop – Thursday, March 6, 2008, 6-9:30 pm
4 Central Avenue, Albany.  $25.00 to benefit CAUSE Sierra Leone 
This expressive arts workshop will explore how we can collectively re-frame local and gobal conflicts through an imaginative and engaged response.  There will also be an information session after the workshop on the Expressive Arts and Social Change Program at the European Graduate School in Switzerland (www.expressiveartsandsocialchange.org).  Facilitator:  Carrie MacLeod. 
For directions or to register, visit the NYEA website (www.newyorkexpressivearts.com) or call 518 434 2412.

Area Announcements:
Local Poets Read From Their Work:  A number of poets who all live within the Normans Kill Watershed are reading a selection of their work. The poets all had poetry in the NORMANSKILL:  PEBBLE IN THE POND bioregional anthology published by Rootdrinker Institute in 2007. Poets reading are:  Dennis Sullivan, Mark O’Brien, Art Willis, Edie Abrams, Alan Casline, Mimi Moriarty, Tom Corrado, and Barbara Hatch Vink. The event is held at Perfect Blend Coffee House, 376 Delaware Ave., Delmar, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Open to the Public.  For more information contact email Alan Casline.

Creative Arts Therapies Conference at Holy Names Academy
An all-day creative arts conference will be held at the Academy of Holy Names, 1075 New Scotland Ave., Albany from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. on Tuesday, March 4, 2008.
Register by contacting the Consultation Center at 489-4431 or email.  Cost:  $80 (includes lunch) (payment after 2-26 is $90)

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