Readers’ Advisory Conference at Albany Public Library

By The Book: Genre and Gender – A Readers’ Advisory Conference

This November 13 and 14, Albany Public Library will be hosting its third annual continuing education opportunity for library professionals, library school students, and library support staff. By the Book: Genre and Gender – A Readers’ Advisory Conference will include presentations by well-known readers’ advisory experts Kaite Mediatore Stover from the Kansas City Public Library and David Wright from the Seattle Public Library on providing readers’ advisory services tailored to romance readers and Gen-X readers.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in two breakout sessions during the conference, choosing from: Bombs, Bullets, and Beyond: What Men Read; After Booktalking: an alternative programming roundtable; See Jane Read: An Overview of Chick Lit; and tours of APL’s award-winning Cybermobile. On Monday evening, November 13th, guests will attend an exclusive Book Tasting program, APL’s newest, most popular readers’ advisory program for adults. They will enjoy an eclectic mix of food and fiction as they sample treats from a local restaurant and chat about David Kamp’s The United States of Arugula.

Amy Maurer Mclaughlin, Head of the Readers’ Services Department said, “Our annual readers advisory conference is an opportunity for staff to develop and refine professional skills that will benefit our customers.  We continually strive to find new ways to connect customers with suggestions that they will enjoy reading, listening to or viewing. Hosting the annual readers advisory conference is opportunity for us to be proactive in our professional development and to share our experience with other library professionals and library school students.”

A recognized leader in innovative library service, Albany Public Library is pleased to host this annual event, with flexible and affordable registration options that allow librarians, library school students, and paraprofessional staff of all levels to take away valuable real-world advice from By the Book: Genre and Gender.

To attend the conference, registration must be received by uesday, Nov. 7, 2006. For more information contact Amy Maurer McLaughlin at or 518-427-4349.

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