Albany Poets Podcast Number 14 Now Available

Poets Speak Loud at Tess’ Lark Tavern on Monday, April 24, 2006

The post-Word Fest Poets Speak Loud was not just our monthly poetry and spoken word open mic at the Lark Tavern, but also day two of Paddy Kilrain benefit show. Paddy, a local singer/songwriter, was hit by a drunk driver in late March and Albany’s poets and musicians all got together to help raise money for her medical expenses. Dain Brammage was the featured poet of the evening and as an added bonus the winner of the Lark Tavern Singer Songwriter Contest, Matt Durfee also performed. Matt recently won “Best Male Singer/Songwriter” in the annual “Best of the Capital Region” issue of the Metroland. Open mic poets Dan Wilcox, A.c. Everson, Alan Catlin, Bob Monaghan, James, Shara, Bob Sharkey, KC, K.J. Spencer, and Paddy Kilrain all shared their work with the crowd to bring an end to the 2006 Albany Word Fest and all for a good cause.

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